Ultimate Guide to Setting Up, Claiming, and Verifying Your Restaurant on Google Maps: Boost Your Visibility Today
إدارة القوائم الرقميةUltimate Guide to Setting Up, Claiming, and Verifying Your Restaurant on Google Maps: Boost Your Visibility Today

This comprehensive guide provides restaurant operators with a step-by-step roadmap to successfully set up, claim, and verify their business on Google Maps using Google Business Profile. From creating a Google Account to navigating through the different verification methods—including the lesser-known video verification—this guide covers everything you need to ensure your restaurant's listing is accurate, visible, and appealing to potential customers. Additionally, it addresses common issues such as avoiding listing suspension and managing duplicate listings, ensuring you maintain a strong online presence. By following the detailed instructions and tips provided, restaurant owners can enhance their discoverability, attract more customers, and ultimately grow their business in the digital age. Whether you're new to Google Business Profile or looking to refine your existing listing, this guide is an invaluable resource for maximizing your restaurant's potential on one of the world's most powerful search and mapping platforms.

Our Story - How We Built a Tool that Takes Away the Manual Work

As a former UX developer for Air Canada’s Aeroplan program, our founder and CEO Tarik knew the importance of making online experiences as simple as possible for customers. He decided he'd go all in helping restaurants with their online presence.

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منصتنا الشاملة ستقوم بتنظيم وتحسين سمعتك عبر الإنترنت لكل موقع.

دعنا نوضح لك كيف.